In Heaven on Earth, acclaimed director Deepa Mehta highlights the isolation and disappointment faced by a family of Punjabi immigrants to Canada. When Chand leaves her family and community behind in India to marry a man she's never met in Brampton, Ontario, she finds herself at the mercy of his temper and her mother-in-law's controlling behaviour. After a magic root fails to transform her husband into a kind and loving man, Chand takes refuge in a familiar Indian folk tale featuring a King Cobra.
In Heaven on Earth, acclaimed director Deepa Mehta highlights the isolation and disappointment faced by a family of Punjabi immigrants to Canada. When Chand leaves her family and community behind in India to marry a man she's never met in Brampton, Ontario, she finds herself at the mercy of his temper and her mother-in-law's controlling behaviour.
After a magic root fails to transform her husband into a kind and loving man, Chand takes refuge in a familiar Indian folk tale featuring a King Cobra.
Warnings: Physical violence: the husband physically assaults his wife several times.
This film tells the story of Chand, a woman who leaves India to marry a man, Rocky, in Brampton. They live in a crowded house with his parents and several other family member and tenants. Rocky is violent and assaults Chand. Students will become familiar with the struggles—such as isolation and underemployment—that some new families to Canada must face. Viewing the film will lead to class discussions and written reflections. Students could investigate their own family history and compare their experience to Chand’s. Students could also research facts about domestic abuse and learn what signs to look for and how to help someone experiencing domestic abuse.