This documentary tells the story of the frustration and injustice experienced by Japanese Canadians, who fought long and hard to be accepted as Canadians.
This documentary tells the story of the frustration and injustice experienced by Japanese Canadians, who fought long and hard to be accepted as Canadians.
viewing, students brainstorm ideas about Japanese in Canada, including WW2.
After viewing, have students create a timeline of Japanese immigration in
Canada. Outline the War Measures Act. Does it resemble any other legislation
today? (ex: US Patriot Act, Canada Anti-terrorism Act.) Who might be targeted
by this legislation? Research statistics on Japanese Canadian population
growth and economic status. What other
have endured similar treatment in Canada or throughout the world? Have
students write historical impact statements as victims of persecution.
Enemy Alien, Jeanette Lerman, provided by the National Film Board of Canada