This animated short features a night watchman who, with his dog Fang, discovers that museums are not just a collection of dusty old artefacts. With humour, the film shows how the past is very much alive and connected to our present.
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This animated short features a night watchman who, with his dog Fang, discovers that museums are not just a collection of dusty old artefacts. With humour, the film shows how the past is very much alive and connected to our present.
Students research a museum in their community and visit/prepare a report-history, pieces, importance to community. Students can contact museum and arrange an interview (in person or over the phone/Skype) with an employee; they prepare questions beforehand regarding person’s duties; report/research variety of museum jobs. Students research museums in their community/province/Canada/world and report (oral or written) value to society; pick one piece and research, tell story, importance to humanity.